Thoughts on Aging

I am frequently asked my thoughts and opinion on how to slow down the aging process and how to bring back the youthful look. Well for starters, I give the advice my mother always gave me and that is to stay out of the sun (especially in the younger years, and yes this includes tanning […]
The Underrated Importance of Diet and Water

We all know the importance of eating a whole foods diet, but understanding how fundamentally important a good diet is for the skin is another story. Countless times I’m asked which of Chikyu’s products will work best for the skin, and my first initial response is to inquire as to what products they are currently […]
Summer Hair DIY Masques
Did you know hair can take a beating during summer? It sure can with the sun, chlorine and salt water, all taking a toll on your beautiful hair leaving it dry, dull and lacking luster. But believe it or not, there is an easy solution no further than your kitchen! One of the greatest […]
The Benefits of Using Toners

It comes as no surprise that the use of Toners (also known as Lotions in the Eastern cultures), is on the rise here in the Western world. There are many active benefits when implementing Toners into a skin care regimen, especially when applied as a base layer for your serums, eye treatments, moisturizers and makeup. […]
The Art of Imperfection “Wabi Sabi”
In Japan, what westerners view as aesthetic imperfections are embraced and celebrated, this artful practice is called “Wabi Sabi,” the respect and acknowledgement for imperfection. In today’s society, we are bombarded by advertisements and verbiage telling us how we should look and what defines beauty. The truth is, everyone is beautiful despite what you may […]
Double Cleansing Method

In Japan and many asian cultures, double cleansing is not only the norm, but a crucial part of any skin care regime, especially mine. Regardless of ones skin type, double cleansing has been proven to be an excellent way to not only maintain the skin, but also controls breakouts while breaking down impurities on the skin […]
Why Chikyu Skin Care Believes in Rediscovering Where We Once Were

The world as we know it today is quite different then it was thousands of years ago. Then, humans who roamed the earth used our planets resources frugally to aide in the caring, feeding and healing of the body. Today, because of consumer demands, our resources are now being exploited and polluted with many mass […]
Words of Wisdom

– Limit Sun Exposure. There is no greater joy than feeling the warmth of the sun upon our skin. Yet, it would behoove us to be mindful that early sun/UV exposure will cause premature aging. One of the most important routines one should practice is applying sunscreen before venturing outdoors. More importantly, cover up by […]